What is Reiki & How it can help?
Rei Ki, Japanese word which means Universal Life Force Energy. It is a form of alternative therapy, which uses Cosmic Energy for the purpose of healing – physical, emotional, mental and situational problems.
Reiki works on the concept of Chakra system. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which translated in English means a ‘wheel”. Chakras are energy centres that lie on our subtle body and control the functioning of various parts of the body. Blockages in one or more of these chakras causes illness. A Reiki practitioner taps the energy from the universe, channels it through his body and transfers it through his hands as healing energy which is applied to the chakras and the areas around the chakras to keep the body in harmony.
Reiki is applied either “hands on” by physical touch or by distance healing method. An advanced practitioner can send distance healing to any body anywhere in the world.
Reiki works not only on day-to-day physical ailments but also on chronic ailments. It is an extremely useful tool for the management of emotional issues. Reiki also works on situations in life and helps to cut through karmic issues. Reiki therapy has been proven to help with problems as diverse as Depressions, Emotional Release, Endometriosis, Bed wetting in Children, marriage on the verge of divorce, Space Clearing and so on.
The benefits of Reiki –
* Alternative therapy – it heals.
* Relaxes, de-stresses and rejuvenates.
* Works on self and others.
* Balances body’s energies.
* Removes negative blocks.
* Cleanses the body of all toxins.
* Raises immune levels.
* Induces positive approach to life.
* Functions at all levels – Physical, Mental, Emotional &
* Works equally well on plants and animals.
You can contact Parag Pattani, one of Asia’s Leading Reiki & Crystals Grand Master, Healer/ Teacher. He has amazing testimonies for distant healing, for many chronic ailments, including Endometriosis. He also does one-to-one session & classes to learn Reiki as a therapy for yourself & your family.
Email Address: Parag@singnet.com.sg. Contact no. +65 81121634
Visit his site for more details on Reiki & testimonies. www.reiki-parag.per.sg.
Reiki is an amazing complementary treatment for endometriosis & your gateway to holistic healthy living.