Thank you very much for visiting our SEAS website!
Professional Speakers, Business/ Personcal Coaches & Social Entrepreneurs by profession, my husband, Mr Ramesh Nambiar, & I have set up this non-profit support group, as one of our many global organisations under SHINE - Self-Help International Network Enterprise©, dedicated to help mankind Discover Fulfillment in Life!
The passion for SEAS came about as a result of my personal health condition & experience, suffering from endometriosis. I was diagnosed with the condition, at the age of 21, when it was already at stage 3. I went through laparoscopy & removal of cysts, which saved one of her ovaries. 7 years after my last child, I had a relapse, with a more severe condition (including acute gastric & nausea), adversely affecting my digestive & bowel system, literally bedridden for 2weeks every month. This left me with only 2 weeks of active life per month. The quality of my life, the time I spent with my family & doing my business, was totally disrupted. I was desperately looking for help & support in Singapore, especially for second opinion on going for surgical recourse & the holistic approaches, pain relief solutions, & the many other questions that I wanted answers immediately, which was unfortunately, not available here, in Singapore.
It was during this time that I came across Dr Susan Evan’s contact through the search on the Internet. Together with my husband, Ramesh Nambiar, I was able to meet up with Dr Susan Evan & Ms Deborah Bush, QSM, APEA Chair & their counterparts from Asia Pacific, during the June 2007 APEA (Asia Pacific Endometriosis Alliance) - KL Patient’s Forum. The comprehensive presentations by Dr Susan Evan & Ms Deborah Bush, with APEA experts, gave me more indepth knowledge on my endometriosis condition & how to cope with it effectively.
Together with my own extensive research on holistic approaches, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), visualisation, pain relief solutions, breathworks, diet & other Holistic Healing Programs, I've been coping & recovering tremendously well.
I was totally impressed with the passionate contributions of Dr Susan Evan's APEA & Ms Deborah Bush's New Zealand Endometriosis Foundation(NZEF), in helping Women & Teenagers on this condition, & so was also inspired to do the same. Most importantly, my ever supportive husband, gave me the confidence & excitement to start SEAS, which can now, offer a truly professional holistic support group & awareness education to women on this stressful condition in Singapore/ Asia.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Susan Evans of APEA, Ms Deborah Bush of NZEF, Dr Hanif Khan (Organiser of APEA -KL Forum) from Malaysia, & all doctors, friends, who're contributing to the worthy mission SEAS!
Feel free to contact us for any enquiries. Share with us your stories of encourgement with other women, so that they too can fight those painful & stressful moments, bravely. Share this webpage with your families & friends so that we can help them too.
We'd love to hear from you & to be of help to you!
God Bless You Abundantly with Great Health & An Amazing Life!
With love,
Azeeza Jalaludeen
Professional Speakers, Business/ Personcal Coaches & Social Entrepreneurs by profession, my husband, Mr Ramesh Nambiar, & I have set up this non-profit support group, as one of our many global organisations under SHINE - Self-Help International Network Enterprise©, dedicated to help mankind Discover Fulfillment in Life!
The passion for SEAS came about as a result of my personal health condition & experience, suffering from endometriosis. I was diagnosed with the condition, at the age of 21, when it was already at stage 3. I went through laparoscopy & removal of cysts, which saved one of her ovaries. 7 years after my last child, I had a relapse, with a more severe condition (including acute gastric & nausea), adversely affecting my digestive & bowel system, literally bedridden for 2weeks every month. This left me with only 2 weeks of active life per month. The quality of my life, the time I spent with my family & doing my business, was totally disrupted. I was desperately looking for help & support in Singapore, especially for second opinion on going for surgical recourse & the holistic approaches, pain relief solutions, & the many other questions that I wanted answers immediately, which was unfortunately, not available here, in Singapore.
It was during this time that I came across Dr Susan Evan’s contact through the search on the Internet. Together with my husband, Ramesh Nambiar, I was able to meet up with Dr Susan Evan & Ms Deborah Bush, QSM, APEA Chair & their counterparts from Asia Pacific, during the June 2007 APEA (Asia Pacific Endometriosis Alliance) - KL Patient’s Forum. The comprehensive presentations by Dr Susan Evan & Ms Deborah Bush, with APEA experts, gave me more indepth knowledge on my endometriosis condition & how to cope with it effectively.
Together with my own extensive research on holistic approaches, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), visualisation, pain relief solutions, breathworks, diet & other Holistic Healing Programs, I've been coping & recovering tremendously well.
I was totally impressed with the passionate contributions of Dr Susan Evan's APEA & Ms Deborah Bush's New Zealand Endometriosis Foundation(NZEF), in helping Women & Teenagers on this condition, & so was also inspired to do the same. Most importantly, my ever supportive husband, gave me the confidence & excitement to start SEAS, which can now, offer a truly professional holistic support group & awareness education to women on this stressful condition in Singapore/ Asia.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Susan Evans of APEA, Ms Deborah Bush of NZEF, Dr Hanif Khan (Organiser of APEA -KL Forum) from Malaysia, & all doctors, friends, who're contributing to the worthy mission SEAS!
Feel free to contact us for any enquiries. Share with us your stories of encourgement with other women, so that they too can fight those painful & stressful moments, bravely. Share this webpage with your families & friends so that we can help them too.
We'd love to hear from you & to be of help to you!
God Bless You Abundantly with Great Health & An Amazing Life!
With love,
Azeeza Jalaludeen
SEAS .... Conquering the Endo Dis-ease!