EFT is based on a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture except needles aren't necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. It launches off the EFT Discovery Statement which says...
"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."
And because our physical pains and diseases are so obviously connected with our emotions the following statement has also proven to be true...
"Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."
Excerpt from the The Healing Energy Therapies
There's proven testimonies for healing & pain relief for endometriosis, using EFT. Its amazing to note how this simple technique can be used to almost instantly help relieve pain & help in the process of healing. Simple, 2-3 minutes, a few times a day, over a few weeks, can give astonishing but very desirable results for this condition. * Results differ with individuals & supported healing & EFT training from workshops can help improve the condition much faster than you can expect.
Please go to the Healing Energy Therapies for more details & be Freed from the Pain & Torment of Endo.