EFT to FREE Endo Dis-Ease
Breathe Out Endo
Breathwork Therapists say Endometriosis is a result of trapped negative emotions/ experiences of our past. And these emotions/ experiences can be released through effective supported breathing techniques. Many testimonies can be found for its effectiveness in helping as a complementary healing therapy for Endometriosis. Most importantly, Breathworks helps women accept the endo condition so that we can let go of the painful experiences (both physical & emotional), attached to it. Its also an amazing mind, body & soul "relaxer".
More information on Breathworks can be found at www.johnstamoulos.com.
John Stamoulos is an International Breathworker & Trainer for Breathworkers, who is dedicated to helping individuals get in their power. He travels around Asia, with one-to-one sessions & also training other Breathworkers.
Another local Breathworker, who is very well-known for her amazing work, is Faizah Jamal. She's been featured in many of Singapore's publications, for her Breathworks Programs.
Please contact SEAS for further information on this fantastic Healing Program for Endometriosis.
Reiki an Endo Healer.

Reiki works on the concept of Chakra system. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which translated in English means a ‘wheel”. Chakras are energy centres that lie on our subtle body and control the functioning of various parts of the body. Blockages in one or more of these chakras causes illness. A Reiki practitioner taps the energy from the universe, channels it through his body and transfers it through his hands as healing energy which is applied to the chakras and the areas around the chakras to keep the body in harmony.
Reiki is applied either “hands on” by physical touch or by distance healing method. An advanced practitioner can send distance healing to any body anywhere in the world.
Reiki works not only on day-to-day physical ailments but also on chronic ailments. It is an extremely useful tool for the management of emotional issues. Reiki also works on situations in life and helps to cut through karmic issues. Reiki therapy has been proven to help with problems as diverse as Depressions, Emotional Release, Endometriosis, Bed wetting in Children, marriage on the verge of divorce, Space Clearing and so on.
The benefits of Reiki –
* Alternative therapy – it heals.
* Relaxes, de-stresses and rejuvenates.
* Works on self and others.
* Balances body’s energies.
* Removes negative blocks.
* Cleanses the body of all toxins.
* Raises immune levels.
* Induces positive approach to life.
* Functions at all levels – Physical, Mental, Emotional &
* Works equally well on plants and animals.
You can contact Parag Pattani, one of Asia’s Leading Reiki & Crystals Grand Master, Healer/ Teacher. He has amazing testimonies for distant healing, for many chronic ailments, including Endometriosis. He also does one-to-one session & classes to learn Reiki as a therapy for yourself & your family.
Email Address: Parag@singnet.com.sg. Contact no. +65 81121634
Visit his site for more details on Reiki & testimonies. www.reiki-parag.per.sg.
Reiki is an amazing complementary treatment for endometriosis & your gateway to holistic healthy living.
Holistic Healing & Pain Relief Solutions
We feel Holistic Healing are great complementary solutions to medical help. & they go hand in hand for speedy healing. The choice of healing differs according to once individual preferences.
Some of the many complementary healing avenues include TCM Accupuncture, Reiki, Breathworks, EFT (Emotion Freedom Techniques) etc. Many of these I've experienced great relief from.
The many ideas below on holistic healing that you can choose from, based on your way of life & exclusive to every individual belief system.
Feel free to explore & find the most suitable choice for your body, mind & soul. We recommend a combination of healing ideas to expedite the process.We look forward to add value to your thoughts & help in any way possible, in order for you to achieve your desired healthy lifestyle.

It has the information you need to work with your doctor and find the right treatment for you
Many women with endometriosis also have pain from bloating, constipation, a painful bladder, painful pelvic muscles, or pain from their uterus. There is information to help you with all these problems.
There is more to offer now. Fewer women have undiagnosed pain, and far fewer are told that their pain is normal.
Be part of the volunteer team!
Join SEAS as a volunteer to help promote this project & help out during our workshops & talks in schools & organisations.
We're also looking for volunteers for the support group. This will also include talking to our callers & replying to emails.
contact us @ seas@shineworldwide.com if you're ready to offer your service.
Thank you very much for considering this option to contribute.
Articles & Stories
All emails & contacts will be kept confidential.
Email to seas@shineworldwide.com
Thank you very much!
*All who contribute articles are not paid, & are considered to agree to allow SEAS to reproduce their articles for publications & used as reference, as deemed neccessary & appropriate by SEAS.
Recommedations by SEAS, referring readers/ callers to healthcare professionals & holistic healing programs, are strictly on case to case, with no obligation on the readers/ callers, to take up the given recommendations. Readers/ Callers are responsible to do their own research before committing to the recommendations. SEAS is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any form of damages resulting from such recommendations.
SEAS is also not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for ANY form of damages whatsoever resulting from the use (or misuse) of information contained in or implied by the information on this site.
This Website contains hyperlinks to websites operated by third parties. Such hyperlinks are provided for reference only. SEAS does not control such Websites and is not responsible for their contents. Hyperlinks to such Websites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such Websites or any association with their operators.
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What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis occurs when tissue like that which lines the uterus (tissue called the endometrium) is found outside the uterus -- usually in the abdomen on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and ligaments that support the uterus; the area between the vagina and rectum; the outer surface of the uterus; and the lining of the pelvic cavity. Other sites for these endometrial growths may include the bladder, bowel, vagina, cervix, vulva, and in abdominal surgical scars. Less commonly they are found in the lung, arm, thigh, and other locations.
What are the Symptoms of Endometriosis?
* Pain before and during periods
* Pain with sex
* Infertility
* Fatigue
* Painful urination during periods
* Painful bowel movements during periods
* Other Gastrointestinal upsets such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea.
In addition, many women with endometriosis suffer from:
* Allergies
* Chemical sensitivities
* Frequent yeast infections
As you can see, many women suffer from one or more of the above symptoms, in general, thus Diagnosis is considered uncertain until proven by laparoscopy, a minor surgical procedure done under anesthesia. A laparoscopy usually shows the location, size, and extent of the growths. This helps the doctor and patient make better treatment choices.
Treatments to cope effectively with this condition, include:
Surgical procedures, oral medications, hormone therapy & holistic therapy, that includes Reiki Healing, Breathworks, EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques), pain relief / massage treatments, accupunture / TCM treatments, special diet programs, etc.
Please contact us for any further enquiries. You can refer to the Helpful links, to do a comprehensive research on this topic.
How SEAS can help you?
It is reported that there are more than 6% of women in the world suffering from endometriosis. SEAS is dedicated to reach out to ALL women & their families, to regain their health, active lifestyle, & most importantly, improve the quality of their lives.
On the other hand, the exact number of women suffering from endometriosis is feared to be more. Many more are suffering in silence. Even though they may already be experiencing the symptoms, they are not aware of the real condition behind this & what's happening in their body. This is mainly due to the complexity in diagnosing the condition. They are not conscious of the various complications this condition can cause their health & lifestyle, if not taken care of at an early stage.
SEAS is committed to create awareness & educate these women to help them understand more about endometriosis, SEAS is able to give professional recommendations on ALL treatment procedures/ options available, ways to cope with it, & how to prevent worsening of the condition, thus, most importantly, not letting it affect the quality of their lives.
SEAS provides comprehensive professional holistic approach, giving quality information & valuable support to women (of many language groups in Asia) & their families, on how to cope effectively with endometriosis. SEAS also provides awareness & educational platforms to teenage girls, through educational institutions, on this topic.
We're able help clear any doubts & concerns that ALL women have, regarding endometriosis & women wellness & health, in general.
SEAS can : -- Clear your doubts & Concerns on Endometriosis & Overall Women Health & Wellness, just give us a call
- Provide holistic solutions to coping effectively with Endometriosis & related pain.
- Conduct informative workshops & talks at your premises for your organisation, on women health issues & how to cope with various health challenges women face.
- Recommend professional medical/ holistic solutions, where neccessary.
& More....
Support Group Contact Info
We're ready to offer you unconditional support to help you regain your quality of life. We can communicate with you in English, Tamil, Mandarin & Malay.
Please also contact us for arrangement talks on health for your organisations & friends.
Everyday from 10am- 6pm (Singapore time)
+65 6886 0309 / +8118 7853/ +65 9485 2762
Email Address: seas@shineworldwide.com
You can also join the yahoo group to have your questions answered.
Click to join shine_endo_association
We're listed in the Endometriosis Organisation Website. Contacts to Support Groups in other countries is also available there.
All information you share will be kept private & confidential.
Look forward to be of help to you.
Words from the Founder

Professional Speakers, Business/ Personcal Coaches & Social Entrepreneurs by profession, my husband, Mr Ramesh Nambiar, & I have set up this non-profit support group, as one of our many global organisations under SHINE - Self-Help International Network Enterprise©, dedicated to help mankind Discover Fulfillment in Life!
The passion for SEAS came about as a result of my personal health condition & experience, suffering from endometriosis. I was diagnosed with the condition, at the age of 21, when it was already at stage 3. I went through laparoscopy & removal of cysts, which saved one of her ovaries. 7 years after my last child, I had a relapse, with a more severe condition (including acute gastric & nausea), adversely affecting my digestive & bowel system, literally bedridden for 2weeks every month. This left me with only 2 weeks of active life per month. The quality of my life, the time I spent with my family & doing my business, was totally disrupted. I was desperately looking for help & support in Singapore, especially for second opinion on going for surgical recourse & the holistic approaches, pain relief solutions, & the many other questions that I wanted answers immediately, which was unfortunately, not available here, in Singapore.
It was during this time that I came across Dr Susan Evan’s contact through the search on the Internet. Together with my husband, Ramesh Nambiar, I was able to meet up with Dr Susan Evan & Ms Deborah Bush, QSM, APEA Chair & their counterparts from Asia Pacific, during the June 2007 APEA (Asia Pacific Endometriosis Alliance) - KL Patient’s Forum. The comprehensive presentations by Dr Susan Evan & Ms Deborah Bush, with APEA experts, gave me more indepth knowledge on my endometriosis condition & how to cope with it effectively.
Together with my own extensive research on holistic approaches, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), visualisation, pain relief solutions, breathworks, diet & other Holistic Healing Programs, I've been coping & recovering tremendously well.
I was totally impressed with the passionate contributions of Dr Susan Evan's APEA & Ms Deborah Bush's New Zealand Endometriosis Foundation(NZEF), in helping Women & Teenagers on this condition, & so was also inspired to do the same. Most importantly, my ever supportive husband, gave me the confidence & excitement to start SEAS, which can now, offer a truly professional holistic support group & awareness education to women on this stressful condition in Singapore/ Asia.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Susan Evans of APEA, Ms Deborah Bush of NZEF, Dr Hanif Khan (Organiser of APEA -KL Forum) from Malaysia, & all doctors, friends, who're contributing to the worthy mission SEAS!
Feel free to contact us for any enquiries. Share with us your stories of encourgement with other women, so that they too can fight those painful & stressful moments, bravely. Share this webpage with your families & friends so that we can help them too.
We'd love to hear from you & to be of help to you!
God Bless You Abundantly with Great Health & An Amazing Life!
With love,
Azeeza Jalaludeen
SEAS .... Conquering the Endo Dis-ease!